今之就整個留學生打工懶人包比大家 希望幫到大家唔會跌落各種陷阱
Q: 我最多可以做幾多個鐘頭?
A: 只要你年滿18歲,就可以係學期入面每兩星期或14日內做40小時嘅工作,冇糧出嘅都照計。但係冇堂 上嘅假期寒暑假期就冇限制。
Q: 人工跟唔跟本地人睇齊?
A: 人工當然係睇齊,稅前必須要超過最低工資 $19.84,比少咗就可以搵fair work (免費服務!!)
Q: 勞工權益有冇補障? 有咩權利?
A: 只要你係合法咁打工,有提供Tax File Number 同埋冇超時打工,你係一樣享有所有嘅權益,包括 Super(類似強積金),超時補水,假日補水等等
Q: 比人剝削點算好? 要搵邊個幫手,使唔使拖馬同腦細死過?
A: 唔好私底下解決,唔好簽任何文件!! 即刻話比學校知,再搵fair work幫手,澳洲非常重視勞工權益,千 其唔好怯!!!
最後記得要上網申請定Tax File Number!!
i have several methods earning money by using your phone
>>>cashzine<<< an app you can earn coins(coins can exchange to $$$)
by reading news also it have lots of mission of doing surveys and playing games to get
lots of coins(ios can just read news on cashzine don t have other missions to earn coins)
so i recommend this app that can earning $$on your phone .
my invite code: 35214065
You can try adfocus
but if you have computer it will be more Convenience
AdFocus is a free short URL redirection service with a twist.
no need any skills simple to earn $$$. you just need to share link (it can about anything)
i suggest you a method go to yortube and share links and post it on forums or social media. when people click your links then you will get paid$$$.
this is a really good Passive income
you can get paid using PAYPAL and BITCOIN
this is my sharing and invite link
btw you can also mine on you phone too
it is worth for mining pi it just cost you 10seconds come back to app every 24h to rusume mining Pi coins to download Pi network app from play store/ios (its still free)
create account and enter invitation code
(you can use mine: lwp0227)to get 1 pi. You can also download pi node on your computer it will mine on your phone using the same account to get
speed up(remember 1computer can only sign up 1 account). You can even close
the app it will countinue mining and won’t drain your phone any battery.
it wont last you ten seconds everyday. i think pi was bitcoin 2.0 and was same methods mining coin on app, heres my invite code use them to get speed mineing
bee: lwp0227
Pi: lwp0227
midoin: wplui
sperax: lwp0227
log in >>>>honeygain<<< on your every devises
no skill just let honegain run by itself . speed on by using your computer, laptop, phone, log in with the same account to honeygain
use my code to get $5
if u re interest in earning money online welcome to check my blog
快去Fair Work 搞搞佢 無錢學人做生意🙄
有個FD 打黑工 比人拖糧
師兄 有咩方法幫幫佢?