相信喺墨爾本住嘅Roodies,都好少可聽到Western Melbourne嗰邊嘅生活😆,都未必聽過Wyndham Vale。嗱! Geelong實聽過啦掛! 如果知喺邊嘅話,無錯就係嗰頭啦!但去嗰頭做咩先?😳上網睇圖又唔知做咩,得花花草草🍀🌷,但絕對係真正遠離煩囂嘅選擇,而家小編話你知有咩做啦!😝


左邊黃色圈圈嗰度就係小編經常去嘅地方❤️😆!,Wyndham Vale其實係屬於Wyndham City嘅,而嗰邊通常都係啲獨立屋或者單層平房🏠,你話要出去食飯真係可能都係Macca’s🍟、KFC🍗嗰啲快餐為主,所以多數夜晚都無咩人,好大機會都係留喺屋企善用吓個open kitchen煮吓飯仔。

先講日頭做咩啦,通常一起身就望到個太陽照入屋☀️,跟住食個早餐歎吓咖啡,就出去行吓。試過去Beckley Park Saturday Community Market,有好多二手嘢買,仲有啲植物,鍾意種嘢嘅你就啱喇!最犀利嘅係,小編試過買一大袋起碼10kg嘅橙,買返去榨汁飲😋勁寫意😳😳😎😎
Geelong Beckley Park Saturday Community Market
開放時間:逢星期六 8:00am - 1:00pm
Address: Broderick Rd, Corio VIC 3214, Australia
除此之外,仲有個地方叫Geelong Eastern Beach Reserve,車程要差唔多1個鐘,有時假日都好多人去玩☀️,去野餐🧺,可以輕鬆吓!

呢個地方畀啲情侶打吓卡都係唔錯嘅選擇🥰! 影完相都要醫吓個肚仔,附近都有啲Cafe坐低飲吓食吓嘅,都幾Chill㗎🤫。
@Visit Victoria

The Pavillion (前身為The Beach House)
開放時間:每日6:30 am -4:00pm
Address: 95 Eastern Beach Rd, Geelong VIC 3220, Australia

先講吓商場,都係要揸車嘅,大約15分鐘車程🚗去到Pacific Werribee, 大唔過Chadstone Shopping Centre,但都算方便㗎!基本連鎖食店同Food court都有。食完又可以行吓街,買吓餸😎🧺
Pacific Werribee
(一般)開放時間:星期一至星期三 9:00am - 5:30pm
星期四 9:00am - 9:00pm
星期五 9:00am - 9:00am
星期六 9:00am - 5:00pm
星期日 10:00am - 5:00pm
Address: 250 Heaths Road, Cnr Derrimut Rd, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029, Australia
再唔係可以揀去Sunshine食越南河,大約半個鐘車程,食過Thuan An Restaurant 同 Pho Hien Saigon😋,兩間都唔錯。Thuan An Restaurant 本身多啲嘢食嘅種類,Pho Hien Saigon就主要食粉麵,兩間都可以試吓嘅。😽

Thuan An Restaurant
開放時間:星期一至星期日 9:00am - 10:00pm
Address: 253 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020, Australia

Pho Hien Saigon
星期一至星期六 9:00am - 8:00pm
星期日 10:00am - 8:00pm
Address: 3/284 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020, Australia
至於行街方面,除咗Pacific Werribee,仲有個大商場,Manor Lakes Central,行去都係10-15分鐘。有間好大嘅Kmart,有排行😛!仲有Coles、菜檔、Salon等等,加上個商場遲吓會再extend,所以係越嚟越方便!

Manor Lakes Central Shopping Centre
(一般)開放時間: 星期一至星期三 9:00am - 5:30pm
星期四至星期五 9:00am - 9:00pm
星期六 9:00am - 5:00pm
星期日 10:00am - 5:00pm
Address: 455 Ballan Rd, Manor Lakes VIC 3024, Australia
夜晚就可以揀喺屋企煮飯仔啦!除咗去Pacific Werribee 或者 Sunshine買餸,如果買漏咗少少嘢,唔緊要!附近有Coles、Woolworths、ALDI,唔洗擔心無得食!
🤔其實呢個suburb遲早會越嚟越多人住,因為附近都有唔少新樓盤。睇落就離CBD好遠,其實搭Train都係40分鐘左右出到Southern Cross,所以好多返工人士住喺度都係揸車到Wyndham Vale火車站,然後泊低架車,就上火車出CBD🤟。
🤗其實主要都係想畀大家見下Western Melbourne嘅面貌,今次介紹住咁多先,仲有好多唔同細地去想分享畀大家㗎!
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PTV 火車圖
Geelong Beckley Park Saturday Community Market
Pacific Werribee
Geelong Eastern Beach Reserve
Pho Hien Saigon
The Beach House